Insights on Suggestive-Accelerative Learning and Teaching (SALT)


  • Dr. C. Siva Sankar Author


Insight, Secondary School English Language Teacher, Suggestive-Accelerative Learning and Teaching (SALT).


The suggestive-accelerative learning and teaching approach utilizes aspects of suggestion and unusual styles of presenting material to accelerate learner’s learning. The essence of this technique is using unusual combination of physical relaxation exercises, mental concentration and suggestive principles to strengthen memory capabilities. The present study found that there was no significant difference in  insights among secondary school English language teachers towards suggestive-accelerative learning and teaching approach with regard to concept of language, theory for suggestive-accelerative learning, theory for suggestive-accelerative teaching, design for suggestive-accelerative learning and teaching and classroom practices for suggestive-accelerative learning and teaching due to variation in gender, management, locality, teaching experience, age and educational qualification. In the suggestive-accelerative learning and teaching approach, the language teacher has access to a wide range of memory-training strategies such as: repetition and drill; role playing; story-telling; singing; games; relevant and emotional appealing language materials.





