Telemedicine by NB-IOT
NB-IOT (Narrow-Band Internet of things) is a low-power protocol that is required for various application areas such as healthcare, automotive, aerospace, etc. It provides a wide service coverage area using a very small amount of resources. It is useful in a wide range from normal scenarios like hospital automation to real-time telemedicine. Remote medical monitoring of the patient in real-time is built on the continuous monitoring of the important vital parameters of the patients, which indicate the health status of the patients. Monitoring and control of important signs are required in various scenarios. In case of critical health problems, vital parameters should be continuously measured. Let's imagine a scenario where a patient lives in a rural area far from a hospital. This kind of environment requires the involvement of new and emerging technologies such as real-time telemedicine, a massive machine-type communication that helps to avoid problems in the delivery of medical care. Due to technological challenges and limitations, in several remote regions that do not have hospital services, we have come up with a new technology (NB-IOT) that supports the provision of medical services to patients who reside in a remote area that is far from a hospital. This newly designed technology uses NB-IOT as a communication method to transmit the patient's vital signs. It is an excellent new technology that offers long-range real-time communication for different sensors with low temporal latency at a low baud rate, less device processing complexity and very good device battery life. The goal of the study is to examine the real performance of NB-IOT in terms of effective data throughput and the number of patients served per cell in a stand-alone and in-band NB-IOT health care monitoring system in a rural location. IoT systems have been developed for emerging applications. One of the best and most affordable IOT implementations is NB-IOT. It is an energy-efficient wide-angle network technology and is therefore suitable for resource-constrained scenarios. Therefore, NB-IOT is a relatively attractive solution for real-time telemedicine. In this article, we have presented the features and functions of NB-IOT that make it a good and suitable technology for telemedicine