Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC), Cloud Security, Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), shift rows, mix columns, confidentiality, mobile deviceAbstract
Intense computation on client devices with limited resources has been drawn by and made possible by the phenomenal expansion of computational clouds. Smart mobiles can deliver data and computationally heavy apps primarily by utilizing the demand service paradigm of distant data centers. Due to increased concerns over data privacy and security, it is difficult to outsource private and sensitive information to faraway data centers. Therefore, in order to meet the brand-new security challenges that have surfaced in the cloud environment, the traditional advanced encryption standard (AES) algorithm needs to be improved. Improved security and owner-data privacy are two crucial components of the framework this study proposes. AES uses four operations: subbytes, shift rows, mixed columns, and adding round keys to encrypt and decrypt messages. Sub Bytes and Mix Columns are the two columns that have the most impact on latency. The execution lag of Mix Columns is responsible for 60% of the total latency. Therefore, for these contexts, a low-cost, low-power symmetrical data encryption algorithm is essential. The goal of the study is to change the shift rows and mix column phases of AES in order to propose an effective and secure method. Several protocols and algorithms have been created employing cryptographic methods like elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) to guarantee the integrity and security of the data. The proposed system combines the ECC with modified Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) technology to guarantee data integrity and authentication. The experiments' findings demonstrate that the suggested technique is effective and produces superior outcomes to the alternatives. Cloud users can safely manage data protection and integrity according to the proposed security architecture.