An improvised dementia patient caring mechanism through Who Am I


  • Supriya A. Chaudhari Pooja L. Gaikwad Nuzhat. F. Shaikh Suvarna P. Zinjurke Atharv N. Karanjkar Author


dementia; android; reminder; tensorflow; tflite; firebase; MySQL ROOM; FaceNet


Dementia and Alzheimer's disease have become increasingly common in the modern world, with more and more people affected by the debilitating effects of these conditions. These diseases can be particularly difficult for caregivers and loved ones, who struggle to help those afflicted maintain their independence and quality of life. To address these challenges, a group of researchers has developed an innovative system that leverages the power of mobile applications, cloud computing, and machine learning to improve the lives of those living with dementia.


The system is based on an Android application that has been specifically designed to address the needs of individuals living with dementia. By leveraging the power of mobile devices, the application aims to bridge the gap between patients and caregivers, providing users with a range of tools and features that can help them maintain their independence and quality of life. The use of Android as the operating system was a deliberate choice, as it is widely used and open-source, making it accessible to a broad range of users. The application is built on a foundation of Firebase cloud and MySQL ROOM database, which provide a robust and secure framework for storing data. Machine learning (ML) dependencies are also integrated into the system, allowing users to validate images of family and friends for memory retention. This feature is particularly useful for individuals with dementia, who may struggle with memory loss and find it difficult to recognize the people in their lives.


The application provides a range of basic functions that can help users manage their daily lives more effectively. These functions include Personal Information, GPS Navigator, Doctor Involvement, Emergency Button, To-Do List, and Notification/Reminders. The Personal Information feature allows users to store and access important personal details, such as their name, age, and medical history. The GPS Navigator feature provides users with real-time information about their location and helps them navigate to their destination safely. The Doctor Involvement feature enables doctors to track the progress of their dementia patients and adjust their treatment plans accordingly. The Emergency call Button feature provides users with immediate access to emergency call in case of an emergency. The To-Do List feature allows users to create and manage tasks, while the Notification/Reminders feature sends alerts and reminders to users to help them stay on track. One of the most notable aspects of the system is the Doctor module, which is a new invention that allows doctors to track the progress of their dementia patients. This module provides doctors with valuable data insights that they can use to adjust appointment plans, monitor medication adherence, and make informed decisions about the care of their patients. By providing doctors with real-time data about their patients, this module has the potential to improve the overall quality of care for people living with dementia.


Overall, the system developed by these researchers has the potential to significantly improve the lives of people living with dementia and their caregivers. By leveraging the power of mobile applications, cloud computing, and machine learning, this system provides users with a range of tools and features that can help them maintain their independence and quality of life. With further improvements and advancements in the medical field, this system has the potential to become even more effective in helping individuals with dementia and Alzheimer's disease.






