A Detailed Review on IoT Security and Management: Challenges, Recent Prospects and Solutions using Blockchain Methodology


  • Srivalli Ch, Dr.Vinay Chavan Author


Blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT), Smart Systems, Security, Access Controlling Methods, Authentication, and Consensus Algorithms


Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the emerging and popular digital technology extensively used in applications like smart home, smart city, smart grids, etc. Also, it connects the different types of entities/objects at anytime and anywhere with the help of sensors and wireless mediums. However, it is essential to protect IoT objects from malware and cyber-attacks. Due to the immutable nature and associated security, blockchain technology is highly deployed in various IoT systems to ensure privacy and secrecy.  But,  satisfying  all  the  security  requirements  of  IoT systems remains one of the challenging issues yet to be resolved. This paper intends to conduct a detailed review for analyzing IoT systems' challenges and security requirements with suitable blockchain solutions. Also, it examines the significant effects of applying the blockchain methodology in IoT systems. Moreover, it investigates the efficacy and performance of the conventional blockchain-based security methodologies with their distinct features, essential solutions, benefits and limitations. The purpose of this paper is to satisfy the privacy-preserving requirements of IoT systems with the use of blockchain. In addition, the different types of blockchain access controlling techniques are reviewed for limiting the access to the entities or users according to the system rules and policies.






